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The Everyone At the Table Canning Circle is made possible by the support of: 

First and foremost, the many volunteers who gather weekly to cook food for others,
the South Fort George Family Resource Centre (commercial kitchen), the Recycling and Environmental Action Planning Society (composting), The Salvation Army Food Recovery Program, many gifts of jars by Selen Alpay of Canadian Tire, and the farmers who give use fresh goodies.  


started in 2021
with a grant from




We will start gathering again on Jan 13, 2025


We meet EVERY MONDAY 5:30pm - until done

Come for an hour or come for the entire session.


South Fort George Family Resource Centre 

1200 La Salle Ave, Prince George, BC V2L 4J8

Doors have to be locked in the evening. If you arrive later than 5:30,

find the open windows on the left-hand side of the building and call for our attention.  






The EAT Canning Circle is a food recovery and education program for the novice to learn with

Master Canners and for the experienced to pass on their skills and trade tricks.

Food processed and canned is recovered, imperfect fresh foods from 

The PG Salvation Army Food Recovery Program.


Any Food waste from The Canning Circle is composted.




We Look Forward to hearing from you:

or contact us via Messenger through our FaceBook page EATCanningCircle​


Canning Circle jams available for all for free 
at the Salvation Army Food Bank 

$2 deposit for the first jar,
bring an empty jam jar for a free jam thereafter

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We wish to acknowledge the 9000+ years of the Lheidli T'enneh Nation's stewardship. The Lheidli T'enneh’ ancestors have cared for this beautiful land that feeds us all, and we will continue to welcome their teachings and ancestral knowledge

as we work towards food security for all people.




Design by: @the_witty_case

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